opening the throat

September 26, 2011

5 or 6 Telltale Signs of Autumn

  1. Violent increase in online activity, esp. purchases of bulk herbs, teas, probiotic cultures, Araki prints...
  2. British miniseries- inspired catharsis
  3. Morbid-self-love
  4. Morbid joy
  5. Voluntary Skeleton costumes. 
  6. Pint of cream in (rather, with) morning tea. 
Also, roasting yams for every other meal.  Also, inappropriately frequent use of "autumnal" in response to how one is faring.... "Autumnal" meaning grumpy, sedentary, insatiate, and cold.

Also, awkward confessional-list-blog posts but what the hell, I  am brimming with morbid self-love and joy!