opening the throat

February 22, 2013


February 19, 2013

we are radiant!

Yin Latte?

This morning Scott and I found our tongues tangled in some philosophical tangent involvinging non-duality, love, a sense of responsibility and reflexive liberation from it, grunt work, astral bodies, and--finally- the staple rounded realization of " Right, so we actually don't have to do anything AND we choose to embody the pleasure and light in this experience Now!"
We really love this tea!

Naturally, my next steps were:
  1. Put the Kettle On
  2. Brew a pot of Gynostemma and Ancient Forest Tea 
  3.  Mentally Kiss the local critters who made last night's compost diapppear
  4. Place 1 tsp. Reishi
  5. 1 tsp. Chaga
  6. 1 tsp. Cordyceps
  7. 1 tsp. He Shu Wou
  8. 1/3 tsp. Shilajit
  9. into my new japanese tea mug and
  10. pour in love
  11. and tea
  12. and a luscious splash of local raw goats milk
  13. stir and sip!

 exaltant YUM :-)

( Note: this described recipe is especially indulgent and belongs to the I deserve this,  I am menstrual and need extra mushrooms in my 
morning tea  mind-body pattern. Typical daily dosage is 1/2 tsp. of each respective mushroom. These are precious and powerful foods!)

Ron Teeguarden's  gynostemma fields on Great Immortal Peak.


Anais Nin,  Feeling Tea

July 13, 2012

June 25, 2012



liver/nervous system

March 6, 2012

Kale! the new Kleenex!

Yesterday I spent the afternoon with a beautiful ball of light and joy and superfood wizardry....  enlightenment struck as a friend, naturally-- needing to clear the phlegm-- blew his nose into a big supple leaf of dinosaur kale... yes! God!

February 21, 2012

being a woman:

i love you
i love you
i love you
now i love yam

(inspired by Gary Snyder, always-- thank you!)

February 4, 2012

Oh, Anais!

the beauty is...
when my hope to 
climbs through
my flesh, 
 and i see my neck snapped
in half and 
a throat  silenced
my breasts loved and
willow leaves
binding my wrists --
I walk into the garden
shovel compost and 
weed. and weed. 
and like magic
all is fertile
and whole

January 27, 2012

January 19, 2012

a change of mind is 
a change of heart is 

January 16, 2012

December 27, 2011

Yes! A bra is ironic!